The Bullying Antidote

This big-picture look at bullying by community psychologist Dr. Louise Hart and her co-author, Kristen Caven takes on the challenge of correcting the common and widespread parenting practices that contribute to today’s bullying epidemic.

Drawing from psychological, medical, sociological, educational, and neurological research, they build a theory of bullying that spans across communities and generations, one that will ring a bell for most parents. The book teaches hundreds of specific, positive practices to turn the next generation of children into richly developed, healthy adolescents and adults who possess what the authors lightly label “ZORGOS,” the superpower that defeats bullying. The overall intent is not just to stop a single bullying incident, but to develop immunity in today’s children to future bullying events. The Bullying Antidote shows how parents and community leaders, by becoming educated about the mechanics of power dynamics and prevention, can build bully-free, emotionally safe families, neighborhoods, and communities.

Read 50 things parents will learn in this book here.

The Bullying Antidote: Superpower Your Kids for Life is DSC_5982 cropped DSC_5957 cropped DSC_6011written by a mother-daughter team. Dr. Louise Hart brings the broad perspective of a community psychologist – and the depth of caring of a concerned grandmother. Developing healthier families has been her vision and mission since childhood. Kristen Caven brings the immediacy of a mother helping a teenager navigate the challenges of the modern world.

Dr. Louise Hart is a community psychologist who has spoken to many thousands of parents and educators nationwide. She also worked for the US Army Family Advocacy Program at many bases including West Point, Pearl Harbor, Japan, Okinawa, and nine bases in Germany. A highlight of her career was speaking at the Second Annual Self-Esteem Conference in Russia.

Co-author Kristen Caven is a multi-disciplinary writer and teacher who works with children and adults alike to create positive communities. She blogs about about positive parenting, ADHD, and creativity, and has a Certification in Applied Positive Psychology (CAPP). This mother-daughter team also collaborated onThe Winning Family and On the Wings of Self-Esteem and republished two best-selling children’s books — Liking Myself and The Mouse, the Monster and Me: Assertiveness for Young People — written by Dr. Pat Palmer.